Project Description

The SMPTE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition featured a number of new and emerging technologies including high frame rate recording and display.  In particular, the session track entitled “Higher Frame Rates” featured theatrical display of several segments captured at 120 fps and higher.  To meet this challenge, SMPTE Conference Co-Chair (and TMS Consulting President) Jim DeFilippis turned to colleague Brian Quandt and Stream In Cinema.

  • Client: SMPTE

“AutoDCP has taught me to expect instant gratification,” Jim said.  “I once called annoyed that AutoDCP didn’t always start jobs immediately. (Sometimes it would take a few extra minutes.)   Right away, I got to talk to someone.  And I found out they were already working on a new update to shave off those few extra minutes.   It’s always amazing to see people like Brian who are listening to our industry and responding to our schedules.” Jim DeFillipis, SMPTE Conference Co-Chair

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Cinegear 2020

Single Project – Slider

Creative Project – Slider

Creative Project – Image
